Saturday, May 31, 2008

Donate a car keyword discussion

Donate a car.

Today I wanted to take a look at the meanings of each of the highest paying adsense keywords, and investigate a little further into why these keywords might be costing advertisers this much and why is it worth the money they are spending, and how we the common bloggers of the world benefit from this knowledge.

Our first keyword, donate a car comes to plate with a batting average of around 450 with 12 home runs and 155 runs batted in. It has 4 stolen bases and is a user friendly keyword.

Why is the key term “donate a car” such a high paying keyword?

To “donate a car” can be broken down into its constituent parts. This is a 3 word combo phrase with the negligible

paying an average of $ but ranging anywhere from $ to $ depending on how many other advertisers are using that keyword in their campaigns.

Donate your used cars

IRS help is all around us

IRS help

Today I wanted to take a look at the meanings of each of the highest paying adsense keywords, and investigate a little further into why these keywords might be costing advertisers this much and why is it worth the money they are spending, and how we the common bloggers of the world benefit from this knowledge.

Our first keyword, IRS help comes to plate with a batting average of around 450 with 12 home runs and 155 runs batted in. It has 4 stolen bases and is a user friendly keyword.

Why is the key term “irs help” such a high paying keyword?

The key phrase “irs help” can be broken down into its constituent parts. This is a 2 word combo phrase with the first word acronym for the Internal Revenue Service a department o the US government, and the word help, which means to seek assistance, advice on what most Americans perceive as help. It seems that a lot of people have this notion about their IRS history is broke and they want to fix it. That is why the keywords are very profitable. It is easy to provide the needed services to “fix” their tax returns.

It’s tax season, most normal citizens, a huge portion of the total population of the U.S. is obliged to do their taxes each year, and with the increasing number of people, even in America, who use the internet for their business transactions or banking, then it is safe to assume that this keyword will be profitable for a longer amount of time than seasonal keywords or flash in the pan type teletubbie, monchichi, or cabbage patch style keywords and phrases.

This is almost a sure market that will continue to exist in the future and represents a good all-around long shelf life keyword. People need IRS help mainly around tax season, but that has historically changed every so often. With so much tax software like, turbo tax and tax act, offering a quick and speedy return for auto submitting their info, and doing it in less time, people are filing their tax returns more and more online. And the numbers for next year I’m pretty sure they will keep increasing.

Since these software companies charge a fair price I suppose for what one could do for themselves at least as good or better for a price tag of $19.99 or deluxe packages going fo $29.99, there are other tax software companies willing to do the same work for less money. We all can be glad that at least this sector will be highly competitive driving our prices down. Many people know that taxes are an obligation to our civic duty in exchange for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and are willing to spend anywhere from $9.99 to $99.00 to get their taxes done for them. That is a lot of carefully took records of any financial transactions coming in and out.

So it easy to see why then IRS help would be a profitable keywords for even probably some time to come.

IRS help pays $48.27 per click gets an average 4.5 clicks per day and cost on average $217 per day making it a profitable adsense word. Somebody would be wise to use IRS help as their keyword in their adsense campaigns.

This is the end of my adsense keyword “Donate your used cars” article.

P.S. I did my 2007 tax return through tax-act this year and they were fine except that when it came to my Economic Stimulus Payment and since I chose to auto deduct the tax softwares fee from my tax return money, they sent me a check instead of direct deposit as I was paid with before. Since my number is very late in the 90’s I won’t be getting stimulated until July… dang…
IRS help

Irs help and if that keyword helps anybody

IRS help

Today I wanted to take a look at the meanings of each of the highest paying adsense keywords, and investigate a little further into why these keywords might be costing advertisers this much and why is it worth the money they are spending, and how we the common bloggers of the world benefit from this knowledge.

Our first keyword, IRS help comes to plate with a batting average of around 450 with 12 home runs and 155 runs batted in. It has 4 stolen bases and is a user friendly keyword.

Why is the key term “irs help” such a high paying keyword?

The key phrase “irs help” can be broken down into its constituent parts. This is a 2 word combo phrase with the first word acronym for the Internal Revenue Service a department o the US government, and the word help, which means to seek assistance, advice on what most Americans perceive as help. It seems that a lot of people have this notion about their IRS history is broke and they want to fix it. That is why the keywords are very profitable. It is easy to provide the needed services to “fix” their tax returns.

It’s tax season, most normal citizens, a huge portion of the total population of the U.S. is obliged to do their taxes each year, and with the increasing number of people, even in America, who use the internet for their business transactions or banking, then it is safe to assume that this keyword will be profitable for a longer amount of time than seasonal keywords or flash in the pan type teletubbie, monchichi, or cabbage patch style keywords and phrases.

This is almost a sure market that will continue to exist in the future and represents a good all-around long shelf life keyword. People need IRS help mainly around tax season, but that has historically changed every so often. With so much tax software like, turbo tax and tax act, offering a quick and speedy return for auto submitting their info, and doing it in less time, people are filing their tax returns more and more online. And the numbers for next year I’m pretty sure they will keep increasing.

Since these software companies charge a fair price I suppose for what one could do for themselves at least as good or better for a price tag of $19.99 or deluxe packages going fo $29.99, there are other tax software companies willing to do the same work for less money. We all can be glad that at least this sector will be highly competitive driving our prices down. Many people know that taxes are an obligation to our civic duty in exchange for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and are willing to spend anywhere from $9.99 to $99.00 to get their taxes done for them. That is a lot of carefully took records of any financial transactions coming in and out.

So it easy to see why then IRS help would be a profitable keywords for even probably some time to come.

IRS help pays $48.27 per click gets an average 4.5 clicks per day and cost on average $217 per day making it a profitable adsense word. Somebody would be wise to use IRS help as their keyword in their adsense campaigns.

This is the end of my adsense keyword “Donate your used cars” article.

P.S. I did my 2007 tax return through tax-act this year and they were fine except that when it came to my Economic Stimulus Payment and since I chose to auto deduct the tax softwares fee from my tax return money, they sent me a check instead of direct deposit as I was paid with before. Since my number is very late in the 90’s I won’t be getting stimulated until July… dang…
IRS help

If you want updated info on your economic stimulus status go to

Friday, May 30, 2008

About Content Management

Today I wanted to take a look at the meanings of each of the highest paying adsense keywords, and investigate a little further into why these keywords might be costing advertisers this much and why is it worth the money they are spending, and how we the common bloggers of the world benefit from this knowledge.

Our first keyword, content management comes to plate with a batting average of around 500 with 39 home runs and 315 runs batted in. It has 12 stolen bases and is a well behaved keyword.

What is content management and why is it such a high paying keyword?

Content management can be broken down into its constituent parts. It is made up of the words content, and management. Content is defined as, all that is contained in something Management is the act, art, or manner of managing, or handling, controlling, directing etc. Putting the meaning of the two words content and management together we come up with the definition of ‘content management’ –

Content mangagement is paying an average of $ but ranging anywhere from $ to $ depending on how many other advertisers are using that keyword in their campaigns.

Today's keywords can also be seen in the following combinations

Friday, May 23, 2008

platinum rolex

Recycling platinum at the expense of a desperate man. This is a platinum rolex yachtmaster watch with saphire crystal awesome watch. But with platinum at such a high price this poor watch may never get used! The same goes for any car
Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 19, 2008

Run your car on Water? Ride a bike?

What should we do about the outrageously High Gas Prices we find ourselves having to pay for if we want to use a car to travel along the roadside. There are not enough people anywhere in the world sharing their secrets for getting good gas mileage. Until now. I found where these people were hiding. All gathered in the name of cheaper gas prices and better fuel efficiency. Bottom line was, these people are sick of the outrageously high gas prices and wanted to do something about it.

There are some who have gotten a hold on their miles per gallon epidemic. Some claim they get really good gas mileage. Would you believe even up to 100 miles to the gallon. That would mean that you could go from L.A. to phoenix by car on well you do the math.

Of all the quick to remedy the gas price situation schemes with hydrogen bomb converter style apparatuses and other fancy doodads, I can finally say this is something that will help keep money in your pocket. The fuel efficient system Water4Gas saves you money the whole way through. There are other Hydrogen on Demand type fuel systems and several types of hybrid cars available all over the place but none, that I know of, have the same money saving features and energy efficient benefits as does Ozzie Freedom’s Water4Gas.

They have over delivered by creating an amazing
Device, Water4gas, that helps ease your worries about the price of gasoline. The fact that gasoline cost more than $4 a gallon won’t hurt you as bad when you know how much more power you will receive and how many miles to the gallon you will be able to drive.

Water4 Gas is good for your car. Using HHO power that is even stronger, providing more power to your car and reduces CO2 emissions and makes your engine run quieter. There are no ill side effects of using this Hydrogen on demand system other than a little extra water being produced. With this system your engine will love you. It is like having the power of the Sun take those high gas price blues away. By getting Water4Gas you will even be able to make it an IRS tax write off.

Learn all about hybrids and making your vehicles fuel efficient should be of primary importance to all facing the terribly high gas price. A small investment in this package you will reap many many rewards. Simple yet effective use of modern technology that nobody is hiding anymore. They spill the complete beans. You just blam! Setup your device, and start saving money on gasoline now. They’ve made everything associated with the Water4Gas system package project really cool and beneficial.

Shows how to set up a basic Hydrogen on Demand Fuel system,
so that you can stop throwing away tons of your hard earned cash daily,
needlessly throwing money away on inefficient fossil fuel methods. Fight back
against the high gas price tyranny! These water4gas
systems are easily
prepared, with step by step instructions, including all parts and can be used in
many regions and is well documented in multiple languages. They even have peer
support groups.

Ozzie Freedom’s Water4Gas is a "Complete" Package:

* Stop wasting $1000’s of dollars on gas
* Environmentally friendlier, green and clean
* IRS Refund support
* Available Worldwide
* Small simple setup and preparation
* Empowering Bonuses

Ozzie Freedom has created his Water4gas package in such a way that anyone can start using it. It works
with just a few small components. Even my Grandma could get her Nash Rambler more fuel efficient using the package.

No need to learn about any new technology, this stuff has been around for awhile. They added some really awesome bonuses along with the package as well for free.

As a direct result of the water4gas system, I am really satisfied with all the benefits I received but especially it has given me a way to fight against the tyranny of extremely outrageously high gas prices.

This is definitely a "Must Have." The price is very reasonable. A small investment will be saving you $1000’s down the line. It comes with about 5 awesome free gifts, about how to save even more on gas prices. If you get this package, the water4gas system, it's like putting a stop to the money draining out of your pockets when you have to pay for gas. It is like installing and having your own gas station right inside your car.

Get water4gas and see what other people have to say.

Click Here!

online auction spare me the scams please, light on the onion

#1 Tip To Avoid Regretting Purchases You Make At Online Auctions

Do you remember Yul Brenner and his "Whatever you do.... DON"T SMOKE" commercials"? Well if there was a similar tip that I would want to say to the whole world in so many words to all new members of online auction sites, and to anyone who, in their own natural enthusiasm and desire for an item and had the chance to say it, it would be this.
* In this article I have replaced all inferences to the most famous of online auctions with the imaginary online auction site P-buy. Thanks in advance for

Let me put it another way, if you want to avoid regretting your purchase, the first thing to make sure of is the cost of shipping. I reiterate for the sake of Clarity of the intent of my guide and message the following:


That is the #1 tip to avoid regretting your purchases on P-buy. Make sure to look at the shipping costs and do research for what would be considered a reasonable rate for the shipping of your prospective items.
This tip is so important that it should be requisite for all new future members of P-buy to read before signing the dotted line understand the concept of "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware". It should not be proclaimed throughout the entire P-buy kingdom, coming forth not as an omen or prophecy; nor should this be divined neither from the Oracle at Delphi, nor from the wise sayings of King Solomon and re-iterated in his proverbs, but should be understood that as a new member of P-buy there are inherent dangers to membership. It is called in some places, the hornswaggle.
The agreement a bidder/consumer/customer/buyer signs electronically. P-buy should relay the message "Buyers Beware" so thoroughly on their home page that we would be able to say, “Caveat Empore”, in 4 different languages as easy as we can say our own Alphabet.
If I haven't already said this it warrants a replay: Buyer Beware The statement doesn't mention. My warning is to all classes of buyers, many of whom, like myself, may harbor, (no doubt, as of this reading), regrets about a purchase or purchases which they have fallen prey to the Hungry Dollar P-buy Selling Wolf Bandits in the guise of our most endearing and trusted household name, donning Grandmother's apron and hood, that, as sellers, are ever diligent in their efforts to secure their lucre that a little dishonesty can pull the wool over the eyes of their potential customer, thereby getting their sell. They finely tune their listings, and use every device, technique, method, story, picture, html, FORTRAN, Cobol, verbiage, photo bait and switch, whatever it takes to get $5 extra dollars from the American Democratic principles laid down by the forefathers of our great nation. P-buy should make every effort to protect these types of scams from occurring.
P-buy has been doing, as good a job, as can be expected from the evil few that really want me to be miserable after making a stupid buyers mistake. Avoid pain in the future, whatever you do… Always, always look both ways before you cross the street, making sure to wear clean underwear. A human mistake I made and it cost me $6 dollars. Yes a whopping $6 dollars I still feel to this day that the item was misrepresented, and the item that I got was a harsh reality of a grand illusion that I had just taken part of.
I paid close to $8 for $1.89 worth of value in the item in question. It even makes one feel bad about the choice but only later when it’s too late to back out of the deal. A seller that offers no return policy needs to be asked why they do not offer a return policy. But before even looking at whether the seller even offers a return of goods policy check the price of the shipping.
Here is my bad experience with one bad apple at P-buy. (Told in all my naivety as an P-buy-er who has already sold and bought items on P-buy) Boy what a sucker I am, I thought to myself as my blood boiled from the shock I received after getting my auction item. The item was a Sacagawea Dollar being sold at $0.99 cent. A measly dollar for a Sacagawea Gold Sparkling Coin and a super prize bonus of untold value awaiting my PayPal completed transaction, or the offered bonus which was stated as being an uncirculated coin.
With promises of grandeur I quickly jumped to the bidding button and laid down my amazing $0.99 bid." So I kept thinking to myself, Boy what a good boy am I...Didn't I do well… Look Mom... No Hands! I am such a good a smart shopper…Etc. And I got all excited because I was seemingly getting a superior deal. Gee...what a good boy am I… NOT… Due to a lack of bad experiences on P-buy I Hastily jumped on the bidders stump and said boy let me tell you what.
I guess you didn’t know it, but I'm a coin collector too; and, if you care to bid on my item I'll give you an uncirculated coin too. I fell for it jumped on the band wagon and bid the only bid for this item in which this seller floods P-buy with pages of her swaggle. With 2175 successful sells, you got to give this seller their due. After all this is America and it is the land of opportunity. I was almost converted to the dark-side in thinking; wow this seller is smart for being able to rip me off like that. If just I wasn't as stupid I wouldn't have fell for it. I believe P-buy’s incredible growth as a company has done a very good job in all sectors of its being. Hats off to P-buy for succeeding. For making improvements to their site, in spite of the enormity, and complexity of their tasks. Nobody is Perfect, Even Monkeys Fall from Trees. We can cut P-buy a little slack for the enormity of their enterprise.
I have no qualms with P-buy at all, and it just seems to improve day by day in every way. P-buy is such an amazingly dynamic place and provides bountifully and continues to be helpful to an ever improving and changing customer/consumer/buyer experience. P-buy can't be held responsible for buyers not being careful. "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware" should at least ring forth into my head each time I open the My P-buy page or right before I put the numbers in the box for my bid price and before I input any digits of my credit card, again it wouldn't hurt to put a pop up right in my face, yeah a dirty little popup reminding me of that Phrase "Caveat Empore" I would even at that point welcome such an unwelcome pop-up for reminding me that as a buyer I need to be forewarned, I need to beware less I regret making a purchase on P-buy .
Not looking at the shipping price before bidding on an item is a no-no. If you want to avoid regretting a purchase you make on P-buy, follow my #1 Tip and you will fare much better. You will avoid regretting things later on down the line. It is so easy to get enraptured in a fabulous looking offer that at the peak, the apex of my rapture about finding such a golden treasure of an item to bid on, only after patting myself on the back for what seems to be superific deal of my lifetime, offer, or prize that I totally forgot to look at the #1 tip on how to avoid regretting my purchases on P-buy. That is, if you allow me to repeat it again
I am positive I am not alone in when I complain but little about how I have been hornswaggled by the wicked witch of the shipping north and how on top of being burned for shipping costs I was also scammed out of an item I thought I was going to receive and the difference between it and the item I actually received.
I would like to end this little guide, lense, article of mine by saying thank you to all the honest people that anonymously or knowingly work hard to make P-buy a really safe and cool place to hang out, have fun, shop, or just dream about stuff.

interesting but true hanashi story tha happened in fukuoka Japan

A lot of people have come across something in their lives that has a tendency to highly influence our actions, wants, and desires. Some things outright possess us. Johnny is in to baseball cards and won't quit until he gets that 97' Donruss platinum press proof signature card of Mark MacGwire, and Derek won't stop playing guitar until his fingers hurt, or Chrysalis records affords him a recording contract. When other things rather than our goals and worthy pursuits, take us away from what we really should be doing, we find ourselves akin to what James Joyce in his Araby would call, "...a creature driven and derided by vanity...". Because we give these our infatuations, adorations, admirations a lot of attention, we lose track of where we are, who we are, and what we are doing. We could term a "confused adoration" or obsession with someone an infatuation. In Araby we see how this obsession, or romantic adoration (infatuation) has a way of controlling the main character's (whom no name is given) actions, ideas, and thoughts as he progresses through the story. In reading Araby, we can see how his intense adoration for a one Mangan's sister, takes over his world. It takes over his attitude toward school, the things which he should be doing and seems to compel to the sudden realization(epiphany) that he has been on the wrong track for the wrong reasons.
From a distance, the young man (the main character of Araby) has a youthful crush on Mangan's sister after scoping her out through the eyes of pious rendering. The story is set in the early 1900's in Dublin Ireland. A time at which every proper person feels it necessary for some sort of church and state. We find out that his house used to belong to a priest, now deceased.The imagery we get about the neighborhood, in which they live, is a very serene, not so post- Victorian Dublin, Ireland. Joyce is very descriptive in giving the setting. I particularly like the way he describes the way the boys play ,"We played 'till our bodies glowed. Have you ever played football after school, when the air is cold and stingy? You work up a sweat and your body seems to glow with the hot perspiration inside your coat, when you take it off your body sort of glows. The young mans aunt has a concern about the Freemasons causing a ruckus at dearly beloved Catholic church. No good Irish man could be without his Catholicism. So to begin the tale, we find the tone of the story to be somewhat, religious. As the story progresses, we come to see how the young man becomes overtaken with his adoration for Mangan's sister.
The young man tells us the way in which he first sees her. The narrator in first person tells us that she would call for her brother to come to tea. "I stood by the railings looking at her." So to begin with, he does a lot of looking. The young man describes her, "Her dress swung as she moved her body and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side."In the early 1900's it was still a big thing to see a girls petticoat. That petticoat, idealized in the young mans mind, repeating over and over in his mind mental images of this girl, could be seen as one way the author Joyce found to perpetuate his infatuation.
As far as character is concerned, the young man is rather round. We know a lot of a little bit, everything but his name.We are given details that he is young, in school and that he lives with his aunt and uncle. You ever notice other stories in which the main characters live with their aunts and uncles. Like uncle Owen and Aunt Em for Luke Skywalker in Star Wars or Dorothy's uncle Oz (just kidding). I wanted to ask ,' Where is his real mother and father? Will these details given by the narrator perpetuate the mood in which we see his infatuation?'
We know nothing of his relatives, and Mangan's sister would appear to be somewhat flat. But as we analyze her character with a little post thought, we come to find out many things which the author only implies. I would say with careful thought she is a rather complex character affecting the whole gamut of this short story.We know that she has a white neck and a really sexy petticoat and other minute details. It doesn't really matter that we know a lot about the girl. What we do know is our young man is 'head over heels' about her, and it affects his thoughts and deeds.What we should do, is find out how this adoration is affecting him.We also know that when the young man and Mangan's sister first talk, they discuss a fair, entitled Araby, that is going to take place soon and whether or not he is going. The young man now finds the impetus that drives his infatuation. When she tells him that she cannot go due to obligations concerning a retreat at her convent, he unwittingly obliges himself to bring her something back. Since she is involved in nunnery, we could possibly label her as a good girl, but due to the young man's extreme idealism, to him, she might be viewed as a sort of Madonna, a woman that is near perfect.
From this point on, the young man determines to bring her something from the fair, thus, perpetuating another meeting with his most adored. (Perhaps the only type of women that were around in his town were nunnish.) The young man views her almost as a religious artifact, her image was his chalice, and every where the young man went, he imagined that he "...bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes." Everything seems colored with this religious tone. It even seems as if he prayed to her. "I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: "O Love! O Love!" many times." His idealized sweetheart, the girl he so much adored, was his holy Grail. "Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance." No matter what pressing matters were at hand, no matter how much distractions he might have had, he stayed true to his adoration keeping her image with him through the day.
His mind was occupied constantly with this 'confused adoration'. I feel the theme of Araby is a theme of extreme adoration or infatuation and the way in which it has an affect on our well being, on our actions and even how we think and act towards others. Are we driven by our obsessions, or do we drive them. The next few paragraphs will be on incidents that occur in the story that can show us how this overwhelming adoration, unquelled had affected him. It really affected him, and vanity could certainly drive and deride us, if we are not careful.
We can see how a his preoccupation to thoughts on her led his teacher to suspect that he might be beginning to idle. Even other people notice the changes brought about by his infatuation. He didn't have much motivation to do anything, that didn't concern Mangan's sister. He only wanted to see her again, he had been given the chance to impress her with vanity by bringing her something cool back from the fair.James Joyce's use of diction in the following excerpt helps illustrate how the young man felt about anything that didn't have to do with her, " I chafed against the work of school." Did he get a rug burn or something? This is probably just another way of saying that he felt his school work was getting in the way. Getting in the way between that which he desired and that which was tedious.When we are obsessed with something or someone, we don't appreciate things getting in the way of our adoration. He says, "... I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days... and could not call my wandering thoughts together. I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life's which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child's play ugly monotonous child's play." See cause being in love with somebody is serious adults business right?
If there is a point to be made, it is that usually our obsessions and infatuations take over and control us , not that we have any control over or possibly could control our obsessions. Other than that which we adore things seem monotonous. Everything is more boring, and more dull than that which we adore. It just isn't as interesting. "Her name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand." Just her name was, if he heard it, "...was like a summons to all my (his) foolish blood ." Just her name and the name Araby were powerful influences over him. If someone so much as mentioned the word Araby it jostled his imagination of the exotic, " cast an Eastern enchantment over me." Even he recognizes that this infatuation controls and influences the stupid or foolish things which he might do for the cause of romantic obsession.
The young man seems to be a dynamic character. In a way even before his epiphany, he admitted to himself the possibilities of repercussions for having such a confused 'adoration'. The young man observed, "What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening." The evening in question is their simple meeting, where he actually conversed with her (the Madonna). His adoration rendered him incapable of dealing with his daily routine. Not being able to concentrate at school only worsened his condition to be driven by vanity. He thought only on the promise of going and seeing an exotic, enchanting bazaar, and the promise of meeting and talking with her again in hopes that he might impress her with the trinket or the 'something' he was going to bring back for her.
Here is another point to ponder. Julie proposed it to me in our reading of the great works. It is something like this. When we idealize things (or humans), we think the best of them. We only see what we want to see, even if the thing (or human) isn't really what our mind pictures or desires. We all have a pair of rose colored glasses with which to perceive and view our world and the persons in it. We can view them however we want even though we may not know a single thing of truth concerning what kind of person they are. So I keep that in mind as I consider how the young man must have seen things.
In Araby, he didn't know too much about Mangan's sister, after all, they only talked that once, but to him she was top choice. The young man never ever got to tell her that he likes her. Instead, the plot becomes such that he was given an opportunity to show her that he liked her by bringing her soemething back from the bazaar.
His sole purpose was to show her his adoration. He probably wasn't even very familiar with such a bazaar, but simply because it was the main topic of their sole conversation prompted him to treat this as a very important matter. The young man asked his uncle about going to the bazaar, but his uncle didn't give him 10% assurance about it. This uncertainty, almost like a fear, the what if? the what if I don't go? complex syndrome. When his mind turned to uncertainty abut getting to the fair his heart missed a beat, an actual physical manifestation. He says, "The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me. He had to wait till his uncle got home in order to get the shillings and the florin to enter the bazaar. Just imagine how dreadfully impatient he was that night. His uncle seemed somewhat compassionate and caring, but not as so as the aunt. Upon seeing how badly he wanted to go to the bazaar, his aunt became his spokesperson for love. In her simple language she pleads for her nephews cause, saying energetically, "Can't you give him the money and let him go? You've kept him late enough as it is. " Have you ever seen someone want something or want to do something soooo bad, that you help them get it. Joyce represents here in a very few words a very human experience, a plea for someone's cause due to their overwhelming desire to possess it.
The young man's extreme idealism had turned him in. This bazaar wasn't the great, fantastic, enchanted, magical place he had envisioned it. It was a bit unruly. He even had trouble remembering why he had come. Isn't that ironic. He would have just about died to get to this bazaar, but now he was getting nearer to a keen insight into his character, the epiphany. He noticed how this whole affair had affected him and what position he lay in now. At a bunk bazaar, with some stupid wench flirting with some guys not even caring about the wares. He must of thought to himself, ' Is this all?' That is where he saw how he was driven and derided by vanity, the vain puffed up stuff. Costly apparel, looking good in the eyes of others. Fancy buggies and expensive petticoats. He must have thought how worthless, how vain. Nothing could have been so ordinary; there was nothing so important or stifling even to have come in the first place. He realized that he was the sole proprietor of his actions, he concluded that he was a lowly creature like a pig in its mire.
The sudden realization or insight into who this young man really was helps us to add another point to what we consider the them. It is true that he was infatuated with her, but the reason was was because of the vain things of the world, just to be showy, like hey look at me in my new silk socks and look at all this very cool, tres hip stuff that we can get at the bazaar, got to get it or you aren't cool. To be liked by her he would have to be somewhat vain. The girl flirting with the guys is one way Joyce shows vanity. It is hard for the young man to come to grips with what was really driving his infatuation. He sums the realization up in the very last sentence of Araby and also the quote I used first in this paper, "Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature, driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger." The choice of words here makes me instantly think of a creature as being a lesser animal, but I particularly envisioned an owl. A creature driven by falsehood or deceit. Was he deceiving himself or was he being deceived?
I would like to share an experience of my own now. I don't know that vanity had anything to do with my derision but I really relate to Araby because I can see how our minds become overruled by infatuation. I lived in Fukuoka, Japan in 1990-1994 roughly and I met a girl who I really couldn't get off my mind. She was super, fantastic, the best looking girl I had ever seen. I didn't waste time using every method I could to further develop a relationship with this super, super fantastically gorgeous girl. Everything about her was awesome. I couldn't find a flaw. She was sophisticated, learned, cultured and she was an artist with extraordinary skill. Her name was Yayoi, a real rare name that translates to March in English. I thought it was cool to be called March because although in English we have names like April, August, Sunday, June, Mae etc. we didn't have a March. This added to my unfounded adoration.
I had managed to secure a date to go out to eat together one afternoon. We made a promise (yakusoku or appointment) the day before to meet at her house in Takamiya to the north of Fukuoka at 4:00 p.m. I was so head over heals in a dream about her, I couldn't wait for tomorrow to get here. I kept telling time Hurry up! Hurry up! I couldn't sleep fast enough. I kept waking up and it was still 3:18 or 4:20. When I really woke up later that morning, I decided to visit my other friend, Akiko.
In Japan they have a whole season of rain in August or July, where it rains every day, it is called Tsuyu, or simply translated the rainy season. A constant downpour of water. It rains big time, umbrellas and rain suits are pretty much useless. No kidding , non-stop rain 24 hours a day for about one month of every year. Many other Asian nations get to experience this rainy season too, but Japan is surrounded by water. That is the definition of an island. Every year during the rainy season, torrential storm currents oftentimes develop into massive taifu or typhoons, with great destructive potential. The houses windows are usually reinforced by wooden, aluminum, or steel panels to further aid against the potentially life threatening taifu that is coming to town. In California we have drop, duck and roll, fire drills, or earthquake drills all very potentially hazardous. The best way to describe a taifu is a tornado but coupled with a million gallons of water flying though Kansas at a million miles an hour. I had experienced two taifu before this incident. No big deal. We duct taped our windows because we didn't have the luxury of panel reinforcements, and we stay inside. Everything we want to keep we put indoors. Bikes, cows, cars whatever could just be strewn around. So I had no excuse for not knowing the power and affects of a taifu.
You would think that I would understand the necessity of giving respect to such an awesome force like mother nature's very own water powered tornado the taifu, but there was another force working inside of me that was even stronger than the taifu at work outside of me. I had become infatuated, what the Japanese term in a verb muchu ni naru or to become directly in the middle or center of a dream about her, maybe starry eyed would be a better translation.
I was at the other part of town in the south, about close to a 50 minutes bike ride to Takamiya my most important destination for that time in my life. Getting to meet her, spend time with her and getting to know her meant more to me than anything. happen at around 10:00 in the morning. Visiting another friend and she was in her own right a very beautiful princess herself. She would have been quite a catch. But to me she was my kindergarten friend. We played piano together. I had travelled by bicycle to her house and it just seemed like another one of those tsuyu days.
Even if I did wear a rain coat, Japan is so humid that my sweat creates rain inside my suit, in other words it was hard to stay dry. It was overcast, but I didn't look so bad. It didn't look like a taifu was headed our way and was going to hit our city, nobody had many anything to me before .As my other friend and I were playing around on her piano and looking at pictures a news warning on TV told us that we are now in a state of emergency blah , blah, blah. Prepare for the arrival of a taifu immediately they said. No one was to have activities outside, only that we should batten down the hatches quickly and get to somewhere safe fast. and get ready for some mighty swirling water wind.
I remember being stuck at her house wanting so badly to brave the taifu to get to my dream date. I tried everything to get to go. But they didn't have to persuade me for very long. A taifu is dangerous. Don't get stuck out ion one that is for sure, they might never find you or you might get hurt. My other friend's father cautioned me 'there will be no way to go anywhere now at all 'as he pointed to the grey sky and ominous looking things developing outside. I was torn between feelings. I felt meeting her was my sole purpose now in life. Nothing else mattered. Not the best piano music or anything. Missing that chance, I felt somehow deprived of all that is dear to me. My mind wanted to go ,but for safety's sake I was talked out of leaving Akiko's house eventually being persuaded by myself. It wouldn't even be possible. The winds were howling outside. Your hair blew up in your face like grass being blown in a field as the strong winds gave no mercy to civilization. as more important to die in a taifu in an attempt to make it 50 minutes away. In reality, not even the dumbest of fools would have attempted to ride their bike in a taifu. NOBODY! and to get to see her than it was to be safe get I told the dad if I really hurried on my bike a wouldn't be in danger. He knew far better than I did the destructive force of a taifu, you would be crazy to brave the taifu on a bike to get to He denied my pleading to take leave while even though I tried being super nice to him by emphasizing how good of a host he had been to me.
So there were my circumstances. I was so devastated. I had to face the fact that I couldn't meet her today. Nature prevented me from getting what I wanted and from getting where I wanted to go. Fate would have it that way. It sucked. I was miserable and I couldn't not show it even though I tried. Akiko's family tried cheering me up by saying that we could all have a picnic in their home and wait until the storm cleared then it would be safe to leave. I countered that remark to myself by saying, but I can't wait around until the storm clears, I have to see her now, at 4:00.
I really wanted that date. It was the only one I had. I had no insurance that I might get another. I asked, " How could the weather change so fast,; if I leave now, I could make it to my other date before the edge of the taifu even got to us." The fact was, that while I was playing with my other friend the taifu had already edged its way in. The winds were getting louder, and stronger. The news said the winds would get upward of 200 Kph. I took one last look outside Akiko's front door to see if all this stuff was true, thinking to myself maybe I could escape. (That would be disrespectful to Akiko's family who graciously hosted me and harbored me during that taifu. But my infatuation with Yayoi left me inconsiderate of others hospitality, and I became their sandtrap)I opened one of the doors, and as I did the my hand was still attached to the knob as it threw me around. I struggled to close it back up. I realized, I wouldn't even be able to hold my bike up let alone ride in it. The taifu was raging. From the edge of the taifu to the Eye of the taifu it took probably 3 hours. After that three hours we entered into the calmness of the Eye. I tried in vain again trying to get someone to believe that the storm is over. Its all calm now", I said "I can't hear the winds any more. No more winds." The mother taught me that in the center of the whirling taifu was the core and that their house was entering it now. For about 30 minutes it was really calm, but after it passed over, or by us then I could hear the winds. I thought... another three hours. So we ate our picnic, and I tried to make the best of my worst situation.
What a crazy fool I was. I wanted to see her so bad, I was gripping fists and biting my tongue, gnawing and gnashing my teeth in rebellion to this mother nature who had taken my happiness from me. I was in a bit of silent rage cursing mother nature and the taifu she rode in on, all the while asking in vain why couldn't the taifu have been any other day of the last 30yrs. Just perfect timing I guess. I had to learn from it. I didn't like the chiding. I wanted my freedom, to move about, but mother nature shoved it in my face and said nanny, nanny. My great natural powers indeed will stop a man. It did.
I gave up and decided it was useless to sit around thinking I could possibly leave in time to meet her. I resignedly called Yayoi to talk to her about it. She just said come and talk to her later and we can do it some other time. I WANTED TO GO NOW! I had become angry. Angry at wind angry at my captors (Akiko's family) Angry at everything. If I didn't learn anything else, this little episode in my life taught me patience, and it taught me that some things in life simply can't be overturned, or bypassed. The power of nature showed its full face to me that day, but I hated every second of it because of what it deprived me of.

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Sociology notes

A. Social sciences – not an exact science
1. Historical
2. Sociological-
a. relationships, topology classification of indiviuals or things
3. Political
4. Geographical
a. scale – national, local - locations

B. North American Cities - different perceptions of the city
1. socitey is becomging bimodal
2. city dwellers = root of civilization
3. tigris and euphrates
4. civilization began with 1st cities
5. cities = core
6. man appeared between 250-150,000 yrs ago
C. Autonomy vs district wide policy

D. Two paths in learning
a. ‘knowledge about ‘ – 1st hand experience subjective (personal and random) holistic, senses involved, connected with other components of its surroundings emotions.
b. “acquaitance with “ – objective learning – logic and reason stressed. Everything can be dissected into smaller parts for learning the scientific method

E. Saint- exupery book “ the Little Prince about boy who travels thorughout galaxy, grownups never understand anything, unimaginative. All knowledge is becoming more specialized, Specialization leads to tunnel vision where we lose sight of the whole.

F. Paradigm – points of view, Paradigm shift= shifts in points of view.

G. Central business district – cities are like tree rings, oldest rigns are closest to the center,
1. low income people live on more expenseive property
2. social income musical chairs.
a. poor middle rich
4. new - the word most used in advertising, a new this a new that =best

H. OSCAR LEWIS – poverty begets poverty, culture of poverty world can’t fight poverty

J. Gordon Childe – 1900-19500 - Urban Revolution
1. P . O . E. T.
a. Population – food surplus increases
b. Organization division of labor, need nobility to rule , need defense
c. Environment
d. Technology
2. Thesis on the origin of cities
3. urban archeologists CO14 dating

K. CIVIS – person living in the city
Civitas – the city’s sphere
URB –physical setting, buildings streets of a roman city
Mesopotamia – where civilization began

L. Urbaniziation – proportion of people living in cities
1. slow process
2. linked with industrialization
3. 1800 3% of worlds population lived in communities over 5000 people
4. now 50 % live in cities over 5000
5. Ist city to urbanize = Great Britain

M. United Nations standars of cities
1. Large cities >500,000
2. City >100,000
3. urban locality >20,000
4. rural locality< 20,000
5. Mega cities > 10 million
a. 26 mega cities on globe now
b. 21 mega cities are in less developed 3rd world countries
c. in future there will be 15 more mega cities
N. True cities began in 3500 B.C. in mesopotamia
1. agriculture began 10,000 years ago
difference between urbanism and urbanization, urbanism deals with the behaviors of urban dwellers

O. 3 Theories on the origin of cities
1. Childes ‘ POET
2. Jane Jacobs Trade theory
a. Early cities began from trade
b. Obsidian used as barter tool cities were founded near resources
c. Origin point = caves were spiritual, river valleys caves, where water wsa
i. Cities provide protection
ii. Surplus of agricultural items
iii. Temples serve as graineries
iv. Accurate records for long term writing
v. Religion and warrior classes provide services
3. Mixed land uses

P. Thor Heyer Dahl –trans oceanic book KON TIKI Star charts south sea islanders used them , the polynesian rift

Q. Theories on urbanization – evolution of cities
1. Gideon Sjoberg said cities possess these
a. Animate energy sources / slaves –human power for rowing boats
b. Segregation based on wthnicity or occupation
c. Little functional land specialization
d. Believed war introduced civilization and cities

R. Diffusion of cities
1. City building eras
a. Greece- used the sea , colonized near by accessible for trad
b. Close knit cities founded through religion- religion = basis for citizenship and social organization
2. 1095 Pope Urban II calls for Holy wwar
3. Barn = the great hall- family room = barn
4. crusades brought new interest to foreign land s
5. new class of people arose the Burgeois or burghers = merchant dominated by non-christians
6. geto = jewish quarter in Venice
7. 1348-1350 The plague malaria – bad air
8. 1600 – 1700 the industrail city
a. new souces of power, and production, expansion of factory system
b. Great Britain had industry of wool and looms
c. Scientific agriculture Jethro Tull
d. Ireland potato famine
e. Age of reason britain want sto clear out subsistence farmers think about free trade
f. The industrial city 1600-1700

Q. Hippodamus of miletus
1. planner of colonial cities. Laid out city according to riligios and mystic coordinates
2. used a grid system of streets
3. Plato – ideal city = 5040 males

R. Important disticts in Greece
1. Acropolis – religious and political center, temples gods
2. Agora – marketplace

S. Rome – road builders, “ all roads lead to roam”
1.*castra – role of conquest in spreading of Roman cities is shown by variation of castra in places names
2.castra – military encampent
3. Lancaster, chester of manchester etc.
3. Not until 19th century did Europe see so big or so advanced technology as rome
4 No nation states – only medievil walled fortress, powerful lord
4. Rome fell because roads made it easy to attack them
5. Islamic became control fo the meditteranean

T. French Geographer Jean Gottmand coined term MEGALOPOLIS – a regional city
U. Exurb – non metropolitan counties within metropolis
Barstow is an exurb of L.A.

U. Victor Gruen is known for malling (mauling) America
Edina Minnesota, Southgate

*how do we gauge the change in city
*existence of sprawl or spillover from central city across legal corporate boundaires
* functional interdependance between individuals and institutions, malls and people for example, employment
V. MSA metropolitan statistical area
1. county is basic unit of MSA
2. if a city fo 50,000 people exists then its entire county = 1MSA
3. adjacent coutines are added to MSA if they are interdependant S.B. Riversid MSA
4 advantages of MSA – county data usefull because it is unifrom FBI
4. disadvantages
a. large counties include large rural land
b. there are many adjacent counties with influence
5. Subunits of MSA
a. PMSA = largest
b. CMSA= Consolidated Metro statistical unit = bigger
c. Urbanized area = 1000 people / square mile
d. Census Tract – 4000 people stable
e. Census block – enclosed within 4 intersecting streets
W. Rise of sundbelt not due to southward movement of smokestack industires
1. sunbelt has new economic activites – aerospace welctronics real estate
2. sunbelt states colorado, nevad arizona are
a. business friendly , have lower wages and lower taxes lowere rates of unionization
3. Problems –
a. Lowere levels of quality housing
b. Traffic sprawling
c. Sewers problems infrastructure
d. Air condition is great factor in sunbelt expolsion
X. demographic transition describes shifts in birth rates and death rate due to rapid industrialization and urbanization

Population growth - Birth rate – Death rate = growth rate

1. Pre industry hi–hi = lo
2. Industrial hi-lo = hi
3. Post industry lo-lo=lo
ZPG = zero poulation growth

Music in the renaissance

In the renaissance, building from the previous generations of music and continuing in their paths to give each of the parts of music a more individualistic personality. That is to say, that each part of the four parts in the range of the vocal resulting in polyphony in contrast to the more homophonic texture of the baroque. From Monteverdi’s 8 books of madrigals we see a change from stile antico to stile moderno, which gave more emphasis to the text than to the music. This gave way to the idea that text was king from which sprung the ideas of single affect, which so pervaded the compositions of the 17th century that baroque music is easily distinguished. Pieces such as the , Marais’ painful look at a gall bladder operation, and certain Scarlatti works all demonstrate how music could be used to describe words, feelings, emotions. Emotions of the 17th century were known as affects.
Instrumental music of the 17th century was heavily influenced by vocal music. Froberger took lute music and transcribed it for harpsichord at a time when stile brise was popular and the fashionable ‘in’ music thing of the day was to play the harpsichord like a lute.
The echo effect found in Biagio Marini’s echo tunes from Willaert, Monteverdi, and Gabrielli’s use of St. Mark’s Cathedral the idea of choir against choirs or in other terms what we can call the echo effect, influenced much of the instrumental music of the 17th century.
Dancing is also, and has been since the foundation of human recreations, being an inseparable part of music gave way to comparisons in the suite style found so often in music of this period. The ouverture or opening being stately and pompous, with the lilted dotted eighths connected to a 16th note was followed by fugal imitative sections born from the ricecare of the old style. The musical form of the sonata developed from the divisive sections of the canzona becoming a cantata to be sounded. The concerto in the same vein, was born out of a desire to bring diverse factors,… together, a tutti.

hypothetical paper about Oedipus... poor guy

Brett McCluskey 5/21/03

The board’s proposal is preposterous! Banning Oedipus from the reading list(s) of our high schools (for any reason) is not only unconstitutional, but it would end up doing more harm to our youth, than good. It is erroneous to think that the ancient Greeks are irrelevant to contemporary American society. Let me remind the board of some of the important contributions given to the human race by the Greeks. Epic poetry, history and drama; philosophy in all its branches, from metaphysics to economics; mathematics and many of the natural sciences – all these begin with the Greeks. Such a decision to exclude Oedipus from required high school reading will have far reaching and dire consequences. Just imagine the catastrophic effects of excluding the like of the great men of ancient Greece. Without Archimedes and his ideas on fluid statics where would we be? Without Zeno and his paradoxes where would we be? Playwrights Euripides, Aeschylus, also wrote song. Music, also owes a great deal to theses two men. It was Boethius’s writings that Pope Gregory, Guido D’arezzo, Hucbald amongst many others who read their accounts of music thus transferring them to us.
If the board is considering banning Oedipus Rex from our schools, then we ought to consider banning the show “Cops”, from appearing on our TV’s. While we are at it, we might as well get rid of the Old and New Testament too. Finally, if the Greeks have nothing to do with modern day society then neither does the Jews. The board cannot possibly think that since the Oedipus plays deals with subjects such as incest, and self-mutilation, that it does not reflect the values of San Bernardino. I feel as if Socrates is on trial again. It would be better to propose the removal of the Maccabbees from the Catholic Liturgy.
How could the ideas of the Greeks be detrimental to our youths or to us in any way? Besides, I was under the impression and have taken for truth that we, civil America, lived in a land where all of its inhabitants presumably had the freedom of religion. I had also assumed that the aforementioned human race had freedom of the press. The ideas and philosophies of Greece have become our own. They have become one with the thoughts of modern day man. So much has the influences of ancient Greece been felt and have been integrated into modern day civil society that we take their omnipresent contributions for granted are so plays by Sophocles as well as other Greek writers, and philosophers show us catharsis, and filial piety.
Oedipus wants to know just one thing; he wants to know who he is. If you are banning the Oedipus plays because they contain too many references to the consultations with the oracles, then I still cannot see the point of banning it from the reading lists because it ‘may contain material unsuitable for children’. Consulting the oracles at Delphi is similar to consulting Madame Cleo and all of our friends at the ‘psychic friend’s network’.
The Oedipus plays do not undermine family values, instead attempts to portray them. Take for example Oedipus’s shows compassion for the fate of his own children. His sincere desire for his children to be looked after and cared for, once he became exiled, shows how much love a father in any situation can have for his children. Oedipus examines many of life’s common dilemmas. In wanting to know whom he was. Are not compassion and the seeking of the truth concepts that contemporary American society deem valuable?

Music in the court of Louis the XIV

Like other rulers of nations, Loius XIV wanted a more united kip-[oooooooooooooooto rule over, that had as little threat of insurrection as possible. King Louis often used music and dance to his advantage. We see this from the fact that he required the members of his court to be skilled in both music and dancing. By keeping the nobility engaged in aesthetical endeavors such as dance and music, he also knew that this would keep at least his upper class from forming rebellious or non-loyal parties that detracted from his overall power as king.
Jean Baptiste Lully was in charge of all aspects of music while alive during the reign of Louis XIV. All of the composers within France were responsible for the strong heritage which they carried down from the many musical forefathers, carrying the tradition onward of Leonin and Perotin was no small feat. The composer’s works had to be inspected for content in regards to the French state. Lully himself was afforded more freedom in his own compositions due to his closeness to the king.
During the reign of Louis the 14th, the violin consort became most eminent. The king had in his personal orchestra exactly 24 violins. This in itself is proof as to the importance of music in French and this king’s sphere of influence. Upon the death of Lully, who died after accidentally stabbing his foot with his conductors stick which turned gangrenous. It was Michel Laland who succeeded Lully, and who also served the king being accountable for the music of the court.
The problem was to make French operas. To give French pride in their language. To use the recitative like the Italians, and make it their own. The recitatif. What the French did was to change meters occasionally to emphasize the text so that important syllables of important words came on te down beats correctly, thus the music changed meter accordingly 4/4 to ¾. Since Louis XIV himself was also a part of plays, dramas, skits etc, we can see how important he viewed music as pertaining to his kingdom and nobility.

Caveat emptor, being a smart auctioneer buddy

Warning!! Warning!! Caveat Empore! Caveat Empore! This Latin phrase for, “Buyer Beware! should be common knowledge to all, but it should absolutely be preached to newbie EBayers.. Newbie buyers are people who have as of yet any type of experiences buying or selling on Ebay. Now if there was one thing I would want to scream to all newbie Ebayers, it wouldn’t beDon’t Snipe it only blah blah blah and a ho ho hoo into your cereal which goes good with milk. But then again milk and cookies taste better cold, but hot enough to eat a pizza in the oven for your to enjoy this evening. How would you like this a total joy in cuisine for your entertaining and delightful satisfying meal. , but it might selling as of yet on this new medium called the EBay. have no experience bidding on EBay nor do they have any have just recently signed up to gain a new account on EBay has never experienced a winning bid. tells us to for some. Wisdom handed down through the ages even unto our posterity. Do you remember Yul Brenner and his, "Whatever you do,.... DON"T SMOKE!" commercials on t.v?. This strange nostalgic flashback to me is akin to making a bid on an item that is overpriced on shipping. You can tell bad shipping practices by always heeding tip #1 below. If there was a similar tip I would want to say to the whole world (or at least newcomers to EBay) to all new members of EBay and all others who in their own natural enthusiasm and desire for an item are more apt to get suckered or be lulled into a world where for a moment it seemed as the concept of how the item will be shipped is never questioned. The fact that we, the Ebay customers of the World, cannot know what the item will be sent in, or how it will be sent, and in what type of envelope, box, package will it be shipped to me in. .. and had the chance to say it, it would be this.
Let me put it another way, if you want to avoid regretting your purchase, the first thing to make sure of is the cost of shipping. Again for the sake of Clarity of the intent of my guide and message
That is the #1 tip to avoid regretting your purchases on EBay. Make sure to look at the shipping costs and do research for what would be considered a reasonable rate for the shipping of your prospective items.
This tip is so important that it should be requisite for all new future members of EBay to read before signing the dotted line understand the concept of "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware". It should be proclaimed throughout the entire E-bay kingdom, coming forth not as an omen or prophecy; nor should this be divined neither from the Oracle at Delphi, nor from the wise sayings of King Solomon and re-iterated in his proverbs, but should be understood that as a new member of EBay there are inherent dangers to membership. It is called in some places, the hornswaggle. The agreement a bidder/consumer/customer/buyer signs electronically EBay should relay the message of "Buyers Beware" so thoroughly that we can say it in 4 different languages as easy as we can say our own Alphabet. If I haven't already said this it warrants a replay: Buyer Beware The statement doesn't mention. My warning is to all classes of buyers, many of whom, like myself, may harbor, (no doubt, as of this reading), regrets about a purchase or purchases which they have fallen prey to the Hungry Dollar EBay Selling Wolf Bandits in the guise of our most endearing and trusted household name, donning Grandmother's apron and hood, that, as sellers, are ever diligent in their efforts to secure their lucre that a little dishonesty can pull the wool over the eyes of their potential customer, thereby getting their sell. They finely tune their listings, and use every device, technique, method, story, picture, html, FORTRAN, Cobol, verbiage, photo bait and switch, whatever it takes to get $5 extra dollars from the American Democratic principles laid down by the forefathers of our great nation. EBay should make every effort to protect these type of scams from going on and they have been doing as good as can be expected from the evil few that really want me to be miserable after making a stupid mistake. A human mistake which cost me $6 dollars. Yes a whopping $6 dollars I still feel to this day that the item was misrepresented, and the item that I got was a harsh reality of the grand illusion that I had just taken part of. I paid close to $8 for $1.89 worth of value in the item in question. It even makes one feel bad about the choice but only later when it’s too late to back out of the deal. A seller that offers no return policy needs to be asked why they do not offer a return policy. But before even looking at whether the seller even offers a return of goods policy check the price of the shipping. Here is my bad experience with one bad apple at EBay. Told in all my naivety of an Ebayer who has already sold and bought items on EBay. Boy what a sucker I am, I thought to myself as my blood boiled from the shock I received after getting my auction item. The item was a Sacagawea Dollar being sold at $0.99 cent. A measly dollar for a Sacagawea Gold Sparkling Coin and a super prize bonus of untold value awaiting my paypal completed transaction, or the offered bonus which was stated as being an uncirculated coin. With promises of grandeur I quickly jumped to the bidding button and laid down my amazing $0.99 bid." So I kept thinking to myself, …Boy what a good boy am I...Didn't I do well… Look Mom... No Hands! I am such a good a smart shopper…Etc. And I got all excited because I was seemingly getting a superior deal. Gee...what a good boy am I… NOT… Due to a lack of bad experiences on EBay I Hastily jumped on the bidders stump and said boy let me tell you what.. I guess you didn’t know it, but I'm a coin collector too; and, if you care to bid on my item I'll give you an uncirculated coin too. I fell for it jumped on the band wagon and bid the only bid for this item in which this seller floods EBay with pages of her swaggle. With 2175 successful sells, you got to give this seller their due. After all this is America and it is the land of opportunity. I was almost converted to the dark-side in thinking; wow this seller is smart for being able to rip me off like that. If just I wasn't as stupid I wouldn't have fell for it. I believe EBay in all it's incredible growth as a company has done a very good job in all sectors of its being. Hats off to EBay for succeeding in making improvements to their sight in spite of the enormity and complexity of the task. Nobody is Perfect, Even Monkeys Fall from Trees. We can cut EBay a little slack for the enormity of their enterprise. I have no qualms with EBay at all, and it just seems to improve day by day in every way. EBay is such an amazingly dynamic place and provides bountifully and continues to be helpful to an ever improving and changing customer/consumer/buyer experience. EBay can't be held responsible for buyers not being careful. "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware" should at least ring forth into my head each time I open the My EBay page or right before I put the numbers in the box for my bid price and before I input any digits of my credit card, again it wouldn't hurt to put a pop up right in my face, yeah a dirty little popup reminding me of that Phrase "Caveat Empore" I would even at that point welcome such an unwelcome pop-up for reminding me that as a buyer I need to be forewarned, I need to beware less I regret making a purchase on EBay. Not looking at the shipping price before bidding on an item is a no-no. If you want to avoid regretting a purchase you make on EBay, follow my #1 Tip and you will fare much better. You will avoid regretting things later on down the line.
It is so easy to get enraptured in a fabulous looking offer that at the peak, the apex of my rapture about finding such a golden treasure, and only after patting myself on the back for what seems to be a super deal, offer, or prize that I totally forgot to look at the #1 tip on how to avoid regretting my purchase on EBay. That is, if you allow me to repeat it again
I am positive I am not alone in when I complain but little about how I have been hornswaggled by the wicked witch of the shipping north and how on top of being burned for shipping costs I was also scammed out of an item I thought I was going to receive and the difference between it and the item I actually received.
I would like to end this little guide, lense, article of mine by saying thank you to all the honest people that anonymously or knowingly work hard to make EBay a really safe and cool place to hang out, have fun, shop, or just dream.

Being a smart auctioneer boys and girls

Warning!! Warning!! Caveat Empore! Caveat Empore! This Latin phrase for, “Buyer Beware! should be common knowledge to all, but it should absolutely be preached to newbie EBayers.. Newbie buyers are people who have as of yet any type of experiences buying or selling on Ebay. Now if there was one thing I would want to scream to all newbie Ebayers, it wouldn’t beDon’t Snipe it only blah blah blah and a ho ho hoo into your cereal which goes good with milk. But then again milk and cookies taste better cold, but hot enough to eat a pizza in the oven for your to enjoy this evening. How would you like this a total joy in cuisine for your entertaining and delightful satisfying meal. , but it might selling as of yet on this new medium called the EBay. have no experience bidding on EBay nor do they have any have just recently signed up to gain a new account on EBay has never experienced a winning bid. tells us to for some. Wisdom handed down through the ages even unto our posterity. Do you remember Yul Brenner and his, "Whatever you do,.... DON"T SMOKE!" commercials on t.v?. This strange nostalgic flashback to me is akin to making a bid on an item that is overpriced on shipping. You can tell bad shipping practices by always heeding tip #1 below. If there was a similar tip I would want to say to the whole world (or at least newcomers to EBay) to all new members of EBay and all others who in their own natural enthusiasm and desire for an item are more apt to get suckered or be lulled into a world where for a moment it seemed as the concept of how the item will be shipped is never questioned. The fact that we, the Ebay customers of the World, cannot know what the item will be sent in, or how it will be sent, and in what type of envelope, box, package will it be shipped to me in. .. and had the chance to say it, it would be this.
Let me put it another way, if you want to avoid regretting your purchase, the first thing to make sure of is the cost of shipping. Again for the sake of Clarity of the intent of my guide and message
That is the #1 tip to avoid regretting your purchases on EBay. Make sure to look at the shipping costs and do research for what would be considered a reasonable rate for the shipping of your prospective items.
This tip is so important that it should be requisite for all new future members of EBay to read before signing the dotted line understand the concept of "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware". It should be proclaimed throughout the entire E-bay kingdom, coming forth not as an omen or prophecy; nor should this be divined neither from the Oracle at Delphi, nor from the wise sayings of King Solomon and re-iterated in his proverbs, but should be understood that as a new member of EBay there are inherent dangers to membership. It is called in some places, the hornswaggle. The agreement a bidder/consumer/customer/buyer signs electronically EBay should relay the message of "Buyers Beware" so thoroughly that we can say it in 4 different languages as easy as we can say our own Alphabet. If I haven't already said this it warrants a replay: Buyer Beware The statement doesn't mention. My warning is to all classes of buyers, many of whom, like myself, may harbor, (no doubt, as of this reading), regrets about a purchase or purchases which they have fallen prey to the Hungry Dollar EBay Selling Wolf Bandits in the guise of our most endearing and trusted household name, donning Grandmother's apron and hood, that, as sellers, are ever diligent in their efforts to secure their lucre that a little dishonesty can pull the wool over the eyes of their potential customer, thereby getting their sell. They finely tune their listings, and use every device, technique, method, story, picture, html, FORTRAN, Cobol, verbiage, photo bait and switch, whatever it takes to get $5 extra dollars from the American Democratic principles laid down by the forefathers of our great nation. EBay should make every effort to protect these type of scams from going on and they have been doing as good as can be expected from the evil few that really want me to be miserable after making a stupid mistake. A human mistake which cost me $6 dollars. Yes a whopping $6 dollars I still feel to this day that the item was misrepresented, and the item that I got was a harsh reality of the grand illusion that I had just taken part of. I paid close to $8 for $1.89 worth of value in the item in question. It even makes one feel bad about the choice but only later when it’s too late to back out of the deal. A seller that offers no return policy needs to be asked why they do not offer a return policy. But before even looking at whether the seller even offers a return of goods policy check the price of the shipping. Here is my bad experience with one bad apple at EBay. Told in all my naivety of an Ebayer who has already sold and bought items on EBay. Boy what a sucker I am, I thought to myself as my blood boiled from the shock I received after getting my auction item. The item was a Sacagawea Dollar being sold at $0.99 cent. A measly dollar for a Sacagawea Gold Sparkling Coin and a super prize bonus of untold value awaiting my paypal completed transaction, or the offered bonus which was stated as being an uncirculated coin. With promises of grandeur I quickly jumped to the bidding button and laid down my amazing $0.99 bid." So I kept thinking to myself, …Boy what a good boy am I...Didn't I do well… Look Mom... No Hands! I am such a good a smart shopper…Etc. And I got all excited because I was seemingly getting a superior deal. Gee...what a good boy am I… NOT… Due to a lack of bad experiences on EBay I Hastily jumped on the bidders stump and said boy let me tell you what.. I guess you didn’t know it, but I'm a coin collector too; and, if you care to bid on my item I'll give you an uncirculated coin too. I fell for it jumped on the band wagon and bid the only bid for this item in which this seller floods EBay with pages of her swaggle. With 2175 successful sells, you got to give this seller their due. After all this is America and it is the land of opportunity. I was almost converted to the dark-side in thinking; wow this seller is smart for being able to rip me off like that. If just I wasn't as stupid I wouldn't have fell for it. I believe EBay in all it's incredible growth as a company has done a very good job in all sectors of its being. Hats off to EBay for succeeding in making improvements to their sight in spite of the enormity and complexity of the task. Nobody is Perfect, Even Monkeys Fall from Trees. We can cut EBay a little slack for the enormity of their enterprise. I have no qualms with EBay at all, and it just seems to improve day by day in every way. EBay is such an amazingly dynamic place and provides bountifully and continues to be helpful to an ever improving and changing customer/consumer/buyer experience. EBay can't be held responsible for buyers not being careful. "Caveat Empore" or "Buyer Beware" should at least ring forth into my head each time I open the My EBay page or right before I put the numbers in the box for my bid price and before I input any digits of my credit card, again it wouldn't hurt to put a pop up right in my face, yeah a dirty little popup reminding me of that Phrase "Caveat Empore" I would even at that point welcome such an unwelcome pop-up for reminding me that as a buyer I need to be forewarned, I need to beware less I regret making a purchase on EBay. Not looking at the shipping price before bidding on an item is a no-no. If you want to avoid regretting a purchase you make on EBay, follow my #1 Tip and you will fare much better. You will avoid regretting things later on down the line.
It is so easy to get enraptured in a fabulous looking offer that at the peak, the apex of my rapture about finding such a golden treasure, and only after patting myself on the back for what seems to be a super deal, offer, or prize that I totally forgot to look at the #1 tip on how to avoid regretting my purchase on EBay. That is, if you allow me to repeat it again
I am positive I am not alone in when I complain but little about how I have been hornswaggled by the wicked witch of the shipping north and how on top of being burned for shipping costs I was also scammed out of an item I thought I was going to receive and the difference between it and the item I actually received.
I would like to end this little guide, lense, article of mine by saying thank you to all the honest people that anonymously or knowingly work hard to make EBay a really safe and cool place to hang out, have fun, shop, or just dream.

sociology notes


I. Causes of suburbanization
a. Central cities couldn’t annex additional territory because of district of central city
b. PENT UP DEMAND – High employment + no place to spend the money. 19200’s WWI war rations, depression, Roosevelts administrative practices.

II. FHA loans 1934 guarantees mortgages
a. Stimulates housing, influences other facets of economy as well
b. Before 1934 10 year loan down payment was 50%
c. After 1934 10% for 30 or 40 year loan

III. 1944 VA- changed mortgage lending practices
IV. marriage boom, baby boom, baby boom led to a bust then echo and generationX 1963-1975(busty boom)
V. baby boom causes
a. pro family attitude
b. economic good times
c. ignorance of family planning
d. advertising

VI. Categories of Suburbs
a. affluent bedroom communities – high income well to do
b. settled communities
c. low income growing
d. low income stagnate

VII. crime
a. prevention
i. James T Wilson crime prevention for community based policing felt root casues no a proponent of crime wanted to interven to be good role models in early childhood. Head Start program also brings in the parents.b
b. deterence
i. proactive policing -# of policemen not as important as what they do
ii. treat drug dependency
iii. enforcing truency and curfew laws
iv. all of robberies happened at 2% of addresses
v. John Dilulio – thought it cost less to incarcerate than to let the robbers loose
VIII. the changing process
a. 1970’s rapid growth in small towns rural renaissance / myth
b. sun belt shift 50’s 60’s
c. Sam Bass Warner defines North American city
i. The Walking Horse Car theory – pre 1890 (1820-1890) = pedestrian era horse drawn carts
ii. Electric Street Car 1890 1st street car = richmond virginia
1. factors were how far are you willing to walk to work ½ mile, cities formed in star shaped patterns. 5 cents for street cars casues decentralization
2. ideal place for americans to live is not downtown they don’t like the central city leads to edge city gentrification (people moving back into downtown) or ‘sub’urb selective social decentralization lessens heterogeneity of social groups
iii. Heterogeneity vs no segregated socially, city was compact and densely populated
d. Elevator Era – 1880-1890 chicago
e. Early Automobile Era - 1920-1950 CBD was dominant
f. The Henry ford of Homes = William Levitt applied mass production to homes creating Levittowns assemblymen carpenters etc
g. Lakewood 1950-1990 Mass Suburbanization
h. 1960 the mall changes suburbia

terms –
a.block busting – realtors manipulate peoples fear in order to make a sell ie introducing minorities into a neighborhood to show that the value of the house will drop therfore sell now cheap.
b.steering – realtors make judgement call , show different people different houses even though they might have same needs.
c. white flight – myth inner city ghetto spills over into white area and when population of minorities reaches between 15% - 25% then we have reached the tipping point where white people flee hence white flight.
d. LuLu - ? unwanted land use nimby – not in my backyard
e. managed integration - keeps white flight in check no panic selling Oak park in Chicago, black suburban categories spill over ghetto
f. ANOMIE – alienation, no anchor loss of community polarization of neighborhoods, 2/3 vote needed to annex a territory front porchs

g. Karl Marx proletariat- property less bourgeoisis factory owners expoiters urban splitting society possesion of capital = wealth, and wealth provide more than financial security .
h.Max Weber bad luck casued poverty capitalism vs socialism industrial revolution

i social stratification – the splitting of society
1. class
2. status / prestige
3. power
W. Lloyd Warner – evaluated participation
Joseph Howell clay street
1. hard livin group no tomorrow no plans spend money now , rootlessness white trash
Secretary has a lot of power but not a lot of prestige?

A nice article about Chopin not properly giving enough credit

Brett McCluskey
Music History 306
June 2003

Lessons with Chopin

With the improvements in the range, the action and the soundboard of the piano in the 19th century, pianists were able to break away from the formalities of the preceding classical period and were free to explore new realms of expression that had yet to be discovered. The greatest of these romantic explorers was tone poet Frederyk Chopin. His works are so widely loved and so close to the hearts of music fans that we tend to forget that Chopin too was just a man, and not a god of composition. He struggled with the pen. Music appreciators tend to give composers god-like qualities, or imagine them as a having superhuman abilities. One needs only to listen to but a few of Chopin’s works to understand why he truly was transcendental. His works live on as monumental masterpieces of the ideal in expressive romantic art, poetry in tone color.
His works are fountains, springing up with resources with which aspiring pianists can draw for their own inspiration and from which they can draw the absolute standard in piano virtuosity. If you can play Chopin, you can play with feeling. All of the fine nuances, and details for which emotions are expressed on a grand scale, the emotions of love, and it’s opposite, emotions of sadness and its opposite have never been portrayed quite like the way Chopin does. Chopin’s music remains a resource of piano wisdom are fundamental staples in the pianist’s repertoire.
Many know Chopin the pianist, and composer, but the fact that he devoted a quarter of his short life to pedagogical pursuits is often overlooked. The latter part of his life was divided between teaching and composing. He began to write a piano method, of which only a few initial sketches survive. The few fragments we do have of his initial sketches along with the many memoirs of his students about his teaching, give us insights into his approach to pedagogy. We can almost sense what a lesson with Chopin would have been like. He was a sincere teacher who could bring out the best in his students. He encouraged daring and boldness; confidence in one’s playing while exacting perfection and an application of the bel canto style of singing to their piano playing. This was done to facilitate the ability to express the deepest of feelings, and the strongest of emotions.
He sincerely fostered his pupil’s progression, seeking to bring them up to his level. He was telepathic in a sense in that he knew what words to use to extract from the student the proper results. This quote from a letter of his pupil, Emilie von Gretsch’s, dated 30 April 1844 illustrates his approach: “Yesterday at Chopin's I tried to play his Nocturnes. I knew, I still felt clearly within myself the way in which he had played them. But partly because of uncertainty with the notes, and partly through a certain inhibition which comes out in our bearing and our performance when we are anxious or unhappy, I found myself unable to express the music as I heard it in my head; I did not have the strength to realise it in sound. It is wonderful then to see how tactfully Chopin puts one at one's ease; how intuitively he identifies, I might say, with the thoughts of the person to whom he is speaking or listening; with what delicate nuances of behaviour he adapts his own being to that of another. To encourage me, he tells me among other things, 'It seems to me that you don't dare to express yourself as you feel. Be bolder, let yourself go more. Imagine you're at the conservatoire, listening to the most beautiful performance in the world. Make yourself want to hear it, and then you'll hear yourself playing it right here. Have full confidence in yourself; make yourself want to sing like Rubini, and you'll succeed in doing so. Forget you're being listened to, and always listen to yourself. I see that timidity and lack of self-confidence form a kind of armour around you, but through this armour I perceive something else that you don't always dare to express, and so you deprive us all. When you're at the piano, I give you full authority to do whatever you want; follow freely the ideal you've set for yourself and which you must feel within you; be bold and confident in your own powers and strength, and whatever you say will always be good. It would give me so much pleasure to hear you play with complete abandon that I'd find the shameless confidence of the vulgaires unbearable by comparison.” (Grewingk, pg. 10-11)

He considered pedagogy important enough to sketch ideas for a piano method. Since it was hard for him to commit ideas to paper, it is easy to understand why he never finished the book, which he was going to call, un method de piano. He was shy to commit his ideas in ink on the page, for they were never perfect. George Sand says that, he would get these inspired melodies and ideas for his works out of the air and they would be perfect in his mind, but as soon as he started write them down, some part of the idea would lose its identity never to be written down in its purest, most inspired form. He found it hard to duplicate on paper that which was so freely given to him out inspiration. Chopin said, “The pen burns my fingers.” His French publishers tell us that he would constantly revise his works, on the way to the publishers, and even after the works had been published. Chopin would change two measures of a piece hundreds of times, never quite satisfied with the results, for they fell just short of the initial inspiration.
There are certain things done on the keyboard so often that special exercises have been built up around them. Examples include: octaves, thirds, fifths, sixths, tenths, scales, arpeggios, trills, double trills, mordents, inverted mordents, broken chords, repeated notes, runs of all types, rhythms (two against three, three against four, five against six -- you can thank Liszt for that), trills and melodies in the same hand (thank Beethoven, for that one), various levels of staccato, interlocked octaves, appoggiaturas preceding intervals of various sizes, multi-voiced contrapuntal styles, hand crossings , large interval jumps, interior melodies, melodies switching hands (thank Bach), and a host of other techniques. Printed on the title page to Hanon’s The Virtuoso Pianist: Sixty Exercises for Piano are the goals of many an aspiring piano virtuoso. The traits considered by Hanon to be the most beneficial to the aspiring piano virtuoso are, “the acquiring of agility, independence, strength, and perfect evenness in the fingering, as well as suppleness of the wrist.” Would Chopin put his seal of approval to such finger exercises? If we consider his main views music and playing piano by studying the diaries and memoirs of his students along with his own notebooks and sketches of the Method de Piano, we will be able to approximate whether he would have approved of Hanon’s exercises. Of his pedagogical contributions to piano technique, I would like to touch on three of his ideas: First; the idea of facilement; second, his ideas on fingering; lastly his ideas of singing as the foundations of all music, or vocal modeling.
The Chopin Etudes cover more ground than all the tedious Hanon exercises combined. The only problem is that they are not for the beginner; therefore, the Hanon studies may yet be suitable. When his friend Moscheles, and Fetis asked him to contribute not-to-difficult items for their new piano method, Chopin realized that such pieces should give practice in some elementary technical points. So, with expert craftsmanship, Chopin fashioned three short compositions, which he named “Three New Etudes.” There is Etude for thirds, sixths, octaves, two against three, three against four, appoggiaturas, and many more. Those Etudes are not finger exercises, and they were probably what was to be included in his piano method. Therefore, if the aspiring virtuoso is weak in playing broken tenths, you work out Opus 10, No. 1.
Chopin expressed the importance of hearing and touch. Chopin would say, 'Facilement! Facilement.’ Parlaying repeatedly the same concept for those of his students needing reproof. Facilement in French means ease. In piano performance this means suppleness or ease of playing; the ease with which the hands and wrists, caress the pi9ano keys. It would seem that if in doing Hanon’s exercises there came a degree of suppleness, then Chopin would approve.
He went against the pedagogues of the time, who wanted to equalize the fingers by means of tedious and cramping exercises. Play an hour of Czerny and your arms, forearms, wrists and fingers fatigue, there may be a burning in the forearms as well as now you have quite the reach with all the fingers because they were made to twist and contort in all sorts of ways.
Chopin felt that the fingers were naturally unequal. The fact that the middle finger is the longest, the ring finger weaker than the index, the left hand naturally weaker than the right (in right handed players) cannot be denied anatomically. Therefore, exercises (like the ones which Schumann engaged in), or contraptions with the aim of strengthening the fourth or weaker fingers by tying them up with rubber bands or strings, hanging them from the ceiling as you sleep or pretending your fingers need a muscular workout because they, like Olympic weight lifters, must train, would be far more detrimental than beneficial. Chopin instead knew the limitations of the hands and thought they should be used according to its natural physiognomy. The natural shape and strengths of the hands and fingers he thought should be used as a basis for fingering technique. "Everything is a matter of knowing good fingering [...] Just as we need to use the conformation of the fingers, we need no less to use the rest of the hand, the wrist, the forearm and the upper arm. One cannot try to play everything from the wrist as Kalkbrenner claims." Chopin had a name for such studies. He called them Etudes de Mecanisme .
Chopin became famous throughout Paris even to the then ‘king of the piano’ Kalkbrenner. He associated with the Polish and French aristocracy and from them drew his main income. He did this, not from performing (which he didn't much like), but from teaching. Liszt, Hiller, Berlioz, Schumann, and Mendelssohn were among those who admired his works and became his friends. Some of the most famous of people, including the aforementioned giants would seek musical advice from Chopin. Kalkbrenner brought his daughter in to him, to receive his recommendations as to how to further her music study.
This leads us to distinguish between playing the piano with touch, and playing it with pure mechanics. There is a difference in the techniques, attitudes, and approach between the Liszt school of piano and the Chopin schools. He was similar to Liszt in some ways, yet different in others. It has been hinted that both were on the outside friendly to each other yet on the inside could not stand each other. For example, neither Chopin nor Liszt would accept children or beginners as students (prodigies being the exception. Similarly, both piano masters thought of the usefulness of their piano skills to future players.
Liszt was all for fame, glory and public performance. If Liszt was an extrovert, then Chopin was an introvert. Liszt succeeded in the task of writing his book of piano exercises towards the latter part of his life, when he realized that it would be best to confer upon future generations those skills he learned. So, he prepared exercises, which are very hard to grasp, unless you are already an advanced player. Chopin’s few initial sketches are more easily playable and the results can be seen immediately. During his life, Liszt never wanted to be known as a teacher. Au contraire, Chopin was much sought after as a teacher, and unlike Franz, he disliked public performances.
Like I have mentioned before, the pen burned in Chopin’s hand so much that it was probably impossible for him to write what he would have considered valuable exercises. He was perhaps perplexed even writing the etudes for Fetis and Moscheles. How would he have presented his ideas and concepts relating to facilement, vocal modeling, and hearing and touch to future pianists, in an understandable way. That is the art of pedagogy, that is why teaching itself, too, is a science as well as an art.
Both masters had ideas of piano exercises and methods for piano. Chopin’s exercises are arguably of more value to the general piano playing public, where fiery virtuosity is not a factor. He shoots from the shoulder. For example, he would always make his pupils start with the key a B major not C major. The ease and comfortability of this key, in regards to the uncoordinated hands of beginners, as well as the faster rate at which the other keys are internalized, and memorized is much more appreciable by starting n B and not C. He made his pupils begin with the scales B, F# and D flat. B Being easily grasped like a glove. F# in a sense its retrograde and D flat, the inversion of the relationship between black notes and white notes. (See figure 1)
As far as modeling piano technique after the voice, there are numerous quotations. Chopin felt that singing was the cornerstone of music. That the Bel Canto style of singing is preferred above all other ways in which expressions come alive. We can see through the listening of his works that it actually fells at times that the piano is breathing. He could express the strongest of feelings, and the deepest of emotions Chopin’s pieces transcend time, by means wanting to sing. You must first sing if you wish to play.
Chopin, like many teachers sincere in fostering their student’s progress, did not keep track of the time as he taught. He was sincere in his approach to pedagogy. He took teaching seriously and was concerned about the improvement of his students. His goal was more to ensure the healthy and proper development of their technical and artistically piano skills than on the acquisition of money. Chopin was a much sought after teacher and lessons were expensive. It required 20 golden francs to take a lesson with the master or, “30 francs if Chopin was to teach at the pupil’s home about the equivalent of a ‘Louis d’or’ (£1 sterling of that time.)”
He sometimes would let two pupils receive a lesson at once. Lessons would go longer than scheduled. Chopin’s teaching career began after he established himself in Paris. It occupied the latter part of his life, from 1832 to 1849. From October or November to May, Chopin received an average of five pupils daily. He would wake up early, spending the morning and at least half of the afternoon teaching. Generally seated at his small upright Pianino while the student played on the large Pleyel, he would point out the student’s errors and weaknesses using more examples than words. He preferred his pupils to follow the text carefully rather than to play from memory. He would make comments on the score as it lay on the music stand. Often the entire lesson passed without the pupils having played more than a few bars (Mikuli, p.4).
Chopin’s work as a composer and a pedagogue are invaluable to anyone serious about music. His piano pieces stand as monumental masterpieces of romantic expression. From them we can gain the insight, the key to virtuosic playing without sacrificing the fun of music by taking our medicine (piano exercises). Truly, even Chopin would have to feel as necessary the pianist’s daily dose of medicine, for the acquisition of … He, discovered new fields of expression, through the piano, and has taught us to do the same. His suggestions about using the natural shape and strengths of the hands to one's advantage, model our piano playing after the style of singing, and using our sense of hearing and touch are more helpful than 3 Gradus ad Parnassum, 2 schools of velocity, and a Hanon in a pear tree.


Jean Jacque Eigeldinger. “In the composer’s words.” Frederic Chopin – the Poet of the Piano 20.5.2003
Louis Elson Ed. Modern Music and Musicians. New York: The University Society, 1918.
Willard A. Palmer. Creating Music at the Piano. Alfred publishers, 1975.
“Chopin: Etude in A flat major.” Etude the Music Magazine Oct. 1950: pg. 26
Stuart Isacoff. “I, Claudio.” Keyboard Classics Jan.- Feb. 1983: pgs.7-10
Jeffery Kallberg. “Chopin’s Compositional process: From Piano to Public.”
Stephan Kutrzeba. “Growing Piano Art by the Chopin and Neuhaus‘ Method.”://m